[TRANS] 110721 Junsu Twitter Update

Trans: Goodbye everyone
 (T/N: Could also be “hello” instead of “goodbye” because he used annyeong :) )
TRANS: Only that sunset with no answer is flaming red… **The photo attached couldn’t be view TT **
TRANS: Since it’s good to cry whenever you feel like crying…please don’t be unreasonable.. 
A smile will form when your tears dry up.. Look, you’re already smiling
TRANS: A long shadow hanging down a hill…Because the feeling of a hand held tightly…
Is fresh and warm…It’s as if my sadness seemed to be erased… 
How about you, what kind of future are you longing for..
TRANS: Around when will the day come that my pain will be lightened. 
It’s pathetic, I mean what will a foolish person like me do. 
Because the moonlight is so beautiful I can’t just go… 
I’ll be lying by your side for a while… 
Just for a while… For a very little while…

TRANS: Since I frequently step on you, I can’t just go… 
my heart is in so much pain because of this hopeless love…
TRANS: When the day goes and night comes, all my thoughts are filled of you. 
What can a pathetic and foolish me do
Source: @0101xiahticTranslation By: @0101jyunshyu

1 comment:

  1. its as if Junsu is pacifying himself and calming the irate fans because of what is happening

    his passion for his career, his loyalty and love for JYJ, his devotion and to his fans and the last picture... there's 5 people standing on the stage.... his hopes that the 5 will be together again and be united? what is this.. everyone's dream....
