[Twitter] Jaejoong Twitter Update (4/27)

[TRANS] Oh no.. the work has gotten too serious. [T/N: The word "il" (일) can mean work/affairs/business or the number 1. The way JJ uses it in this sentence, it's suggested that the word means "work." When translated literally, the phrase "일이 커져버렸다" means "work has gotten big." However, Koreans normally use the phrase to indicate that a situation has gotten too serious]

O_O has something happened to Jaejoong?!
….nope. The tweet was a joke. Jaejoong was playing with words…. ^^;

[TRANS] Number one’s getting bigger lol [T/N: Jaejoong was playing with words. He fooled everyone to think that he was using the phrase "일이 커저버렸다" to indicate that his work/situation has gotten too serious. However, as indicated by the image he posted, he meant the literal translation of the phrase, that the number one was literally growing bigger... -_-;;;;]

Yes, there was nothing wrong. The number one was simply growing bigger….^^;;

And this tweet triggers a serious of other tweets :P
 (Note: the order of the tweets have been re-organized so that they read as a conversation)

(Shirota Yuu) @U_and_YOU: @mjjeje What’s that?…(your) Pic…is fixed!! (´Д` ) haha
(Fukutaro) @Fuku: @mjjeje Jejung hasn’t corrected it!! RT@U_and_YOU @mjjeje What’s that?…(your) Pic…is fixed!! (´Д` ) haha
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @U_and_YOU@Fuku That’s right!

(Naoya Urata) @UN1982: What’s this?
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @UN1982: ~ Nope, I’m probably wrong with the kanji~
(Naoya Urata) @UN1982:  I’ll say “yeah!” to that. I’m poor at kanji too~! haha RT@ mjjjeje Nope, I’m probably wrong with the kanji~
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @UN1982  Kanji is actually fun
(Naoya Urata) @UN1982: Really FUN!!! RT@mjjeje @UN1982 Kanji is actually fun
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @UN1982 Hey, I don’t know anything at all about what’s going on in Japan so teach me a funny gag ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ something that’s extremely funny..haha
(Naoya Urata) @UN1982: Things that are going on recently! I’ll make you a note! haha RT @mjjeje: @UN1982 Hey, I don’t know anything at all about what’s going on in Japan so teach me a funny gag ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ something that’s extremely funny..haha
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @UN1982 Please! Senpai (senior) ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

(Akio Iwama) @Akionosuke: @mjjeje 1?? What this mean? is a riddle?
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @Akionosuke  It’s a really boring Korean gag (T_T)

[TRANS] Kanji’s hard(difficult)- hard-! but fun~

(Yusuke) Yusuke_0414: @mjjeje You’ll forget it if you don’t use it! Don’t forget it ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @Yusuke_0414  Let’s meet, Yusuke
(Yusuke) @Yusuke_0414: @mjjeje I want to see you too! From Autumn last year to the start of the new year, I went to Korea every month (haha) Now, I couldn’t go so I’ll make plans soon (^^) I want to see Chun too!
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje: @Yusuke_0414 Chun always talks about how he wants to see Yusuke too o(^▽^)o

[TRANS] What’s the meaning of “dodosukosukosuko love chuunyuu (T_T)

T/N (smiley@OneTVXQ.com): Pls watch here to get the idea of “dodo~ love chuunyuu”
A fan was requesting Jaejoong to pour his love to them by using the famous phrase “dodo~” of a comedian. Jaejoong did not seem to understand the fan’s words, so he was asking the meaning of the phrase.

[TRANS] Now~ I’ll sleep a bit~ bye bye~ (laughter)

Source: @mjjeje, smiley@OneTVXQ.com
Translation by: 
withJYJ, @inheaven_wJYJ, @joejjang
Shared by: ourJYJ

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