[TRANS] Japanese Fan Meets Jaejoong in Tokyo Tower + Fuku-San’s Blog

A Japanese fan named Satomi met Jaejoong in Tokyo Tower. She wrote an account of it yesterday. We also translate Fukutaro-san’s Blog.

Fan’s account:

In Tokyo Tower, I met Jaejoong. ヽ(;▽;)ノ *cry*

I met Jaejoong on the steps of Tokyo Tower around 16:00! While I was about to leave, Jaejoong came down right in front of me, and so I said a word to him and was able to shake hands, receive an autograph, and talk with him a little bit!

Jaejoong was standing on the glass floor of the the large-scale observatory, and was enjoying himself, doing things like looking down and such ^^ That is the extent of what I saw ^^ There were only a few visitors also, and so I think that perhaps he was able to relax and enjoy himself. I think that Jaejoong and his crew were able to go up to the special observatory up above also!

Our conversation was truly short. If I recall it calmly, really it feels that I was the one doing all the talking, but—I said “I went to Irabaki!” and when I did so, he seemed a bit surprised, and answered as if he was happy—“You came to Irabaki? Thank you.”

Further, when I told him “I am waiting for you in Japan,” the person who was with Jaejoong cut in– “This is Japan, (laugh)” and Jaejoong also said “This is Japan (laugh laugh laugh)”—in a little bit of a playful feel, and so there was a bit of laughter (T_T) (laugh)

Then, I said: “I am a fan. Please sign for me. I am supporting you always. I love you. ^^” In the same feel, Jaejoong kept saying, many times, over and over, “Thank you, Thank you”—he was extremely kind.

More than that, I cannot recall. When I recall I will write more!

@fan The moment he appeared/came to being in front of my eyes, truly my heart stopped for a moment (laugh) I used up all of my luck for a lifetime T_T

@fan Yes yes! Too kind, really (I did not know what to do). The Japanese was relayed, I thought he was wonderful/amazing.

@fan I met him~(;_;) Of course, he is beautiful (;_;)♥

@fan I was happy that I met him yesterday! And today was a miracle!  ヽ (; ▽;) ノ

The fan also wrote today:

In Tokyo Tower, Jaejoong was with Fuku-san. The blue sneakers are Jaejoong, the suit is Fuku-san. Jaejoong was wearing a black T-shirt. This is Fuku-san’s blog –> bit.ly/nBOVLk. This is exactly the scene of yesterday’s report. ^^

Fuku-san’s Blog:

If one says Tokyo
If one says Tokyo!!!!
Is not me, but rather
Tokyo Tower. (laugh)
I was nervous,
I went to its top floor.
The view was the best.
It was the best for the (lifting/switching) of the mood. (laugh)
If one falls, it is dangerous..
I was shrunken!!!!!
I am okay. (laugh)
It was my first time climbing Tokyo Tower. (laugh)
I was the tourist here.


Source: @jaq1228; Fukutaro-san’s Blog
Translation Credit: JYJ3

Please do not remove, alter, or add to the credits.

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