==> Nuna, are you in Jeju? I'm in Jeju too..^^hahaha;;
@lovelyn_twt 전 가족여행이요^^8년만에 하하하
==> I'm on a family vacation^^ After 8 years hahaha
@lovelyn_twt 누나는 왜 제주도예요??
==> Why are you in Jeju??
@lovelyn_twt 안그래도 그생각했었는데~하하하;;린!!누나 오세요~구해볼께요^^
==> Anyway, I've thought of that~hahaha;;Lyn!! Please come, nuna~I'll look for you^^
하하하^^아 좋다~~
==> Hahaha~^^ ah it's good~~

@arden_cho 나야 그냥 ~^^너도 잘지내지??난제주도란다~
==> Just me~^^how are you doing as well?? I'm in Jeju~
"박쥐란" 이라는거래요~^^박쥐처럼 위에달려서그런가?
==> They say it's called "staghorn fern"~^^ Is it called that because it hangs above just like a bat?

밑에 잉어 정말 많아요~
==> There's really a lot of carps below~

어머니와 형과 함께~^^
==> Together with mother and hyung~^^

우리의 진사마~!!!하하하;
==> Our Jin-sama~!!! hahaha;

요번에는 우리형제..진사마와함께~^^
==> The brothers together with.. Jin-sama this time~

여미지 식물원 마지막사진 어머니!!
==> Last photo at Yeomiji Botanical Garden, mom!!


credit: @0101xiahtic
trans: @0101jyunshyu
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