[OPINION] ‘JYJ from TVXQ’ It is the era waiting for you!

On Tuesday 14th June 2011,  said:
The one who pave the road to Europe is not the one who benefit the most on the road:

For the past several days, SM idol concert in Paris has been a top issues as much to be on the front page of major news papers. Obviously, SM is putting out all their resources of media play and strategy in order to pave a road to Europe.

Since SM already failed to satisfy their stock holder with the earning power of 1st assessment period, maintaining stock price would definitely require radical improvement of proceeds for 2nd and 3rd period. This situation might be a factor driving them into the impending necessity of having to secure concert derived proceeds.

(P.S. SM CEO revealed during an interview that they are planning world tour every other year from now on) 

Owing to wide spread SNS, digital music distribution and CD can no longer be a source of major proceeds in the future. Almost all music industry people predict that live concert of capable singers would emerge as the most reliable source of profit while replacing the old ones in the very near future.

SM town concert in US which required transporting all of its singers by special charted plane last year can be also seen as a way of paving the road for the future.

However,``the one who pave the road``is not always and necessarily``the one who benefit from the road the most`` 

In the case of roads paved by SM both in US last year and in Europe a few days ago, there is no guarantee that the most effectual beneficiar would be singers under SM label.

In the end, the one who is READY would become the one who benefit the most on the road.

Who is the singer that accomplished an independent north American tour? JYJ from TVXQ.

Who is the singer that produced an English album ``The beginning``? JYJ from TVXQ.

Who is the one that are READY, then?

It is such an irony to watch, through a broadcast, young people in Paris sing a song of 5TVXQ at the scene of flash mob demanding an additional SM town concert. For the next year, let‘s anticipate that the scale of world tour expand onto Europe so that young people in Paris could listen to their most anticipated songs of ``JYJ from TVXQ``

JYJ from TVXQ! It is the era waiting for you. Go on step by step, into the world, till the day of your standing on the top. Wish you leave the best footage in Vietnam, too. Cheers. 

Credit: @longliveJYJ
Shared by: ourJYJ

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