Once inside, looking for information on where to go, but someone told us that the live would be taken to another place. They told us to take a free bus that takes you directly there, but we were shooting and we not see anything. There would come a nervous breakdown, where the Acchan’s aunt (another friend) sees in front of the salon a bus stop with the little card that says “busmanga”. We were like: “WTF… they could do less striking”.
Once there, we followed the girl of the staff who gave us the flyers of JYJ, to be sure. There was already a fine line, but there were girls of Pentalfa (Italian fanclub) who were queuing for all. A lot of Korean journalists! Suddenly, we see two people in the building (above) who walked to the balcony. One of these seemed JJ!! We took a shot!! He had the same hairstyle and body, but we can’t see his face because his face was hidden from the camera. We stressed at all XD

They opened the doors around 12:00. It ‘was a stampede. The girls behind us pushing so much! Even the security men at the door began to shout for us to calm down. As soon as I got permission to go I ran inside. In front of me was a big man dressed in black who told me not to run, I pretended to slow down, so I passed him, and I accelerated again XD I could not take the first place, but I was close! On the stage there was a Spanish girl who was trying to entertain us while we waited for the boys. To ur right were the stands at the top, full of Korean journalists. They greeted us all the time and were happy as children o.o
The Spanish girl asked where we came from and he also mentioned Italy, thanks to Alba (a friend) waving the flag in the air XD
The boys went up suddenly, I did not understand a shit. I only saw the face of JJ emerge from nowhere and I’m dead. Of course, the shit in front of me had to break the bales, and have raised all the tips. Already they were all high… I leave you to imagine. I was in an uncomfortable position: on the tips, with the right arm raised to film, and with the left arm held the lighstick. Moreover, being indoors, the heat was crazy, in less than 15 minutes I was going to faint.

They were absolutely fabulous! A PERFECT live! They were nervous, you could see, but Junsu smiled when took the stage. Jaejoong has remained fairly staid all the time, for the nervousness, and Yoochun broke up shortly after. We jumped, sang, we screamed like crazy for them. And they were happy… At one point, while filming the live (with a smile on my face to 32 teeth), Yoochun turns in my direction and smiled at me. DIED. DIED. OMG!! I nearly collapsed! XDDD I was shocked. I was so used to seeing them through a screen that seemed impossible to me that they were there, a few steps away from me.
They sang Empty and Get Out. After the last song they sauted and fell. We like: “What? What’s up? They were on the stage two seconds ago °_°”. We were so thrilled that we have not realized anything XDD
At the exit there was some confusion, of course. I don’t know if they even blocked the exit to allow the time for boys to get into the car and run away. Because, however, when we passed in front of the garage they were not there any more.
Towards the exit, I see Alba and Chika (my friends) watching the stands. I thought they were watching the photographers, who were always trying our attention to make videos or photos. Instead I look up and see the parents of Junsu!! They greeted us both, and soon after (I thinks I was the only) I realized that there was the mother of Yoochun!! But she has not calcullated us XD
Coming out, I went into the adjacent building, where the journalists came out. I thought I would leave from there also JYJ, because there was a bit of people. So I went in, and instead I found Junsu’s parents, at fingertips *_* The mother was sitting right near the entrance, beautiful, impeccably perfect. She was taking pictures with fans, so I approached and asked if I could take a picture. She nodded, smiling, and we put the all posing. Soon after I was warned by a staff who told me to leave, but I’m screwed (see if I’m lose the opportunity of my life for a stupid é_é) and I got over it, going from Junsu’s father, who was talking with two fans. I have placed in the center between the two, just behind them, in front of the father. He looked at me because he knew I wanted to talk to him. I was a little anxious because I was afraid that the staff came back to break. Suddenly the father gave me a nod, smile, and says something in Korean. I approach and ask if we could take a picture, adding that I came from Italy. In the confusion, however, did not understand. When he turned and saw the other girls of Pentalfa, said: “Spain?” and we, in chorus: “ITALY!” and he said: “ITALY! WOW” and we “eheheheh é_é”. I was near him and I have the opportunity to caress his back, like a maniac XD After the photo he asking us if we would go to the concert and told us, in Korean: “I’ll see you soon”. I thanked him in Korean and he did the same, bowing slightly.

More pictures of the Salon Here
I don’t know why, but the bad luck persecuted us. At the live we were sweating and we were quite tired, so Namie and I return to the hotel to clean up, then we call a taxi. The cub driver abandon us in the street, because he did not understand where he was to arrive. Immediately I asked the girl in the hotel to call another taxi, so after 5 minutes has arrived. Bad luck would have it, this man was a crook. He did a pretty crazy ride to get to the Poble. He made us climb the mountain, then down. At least, we saw the hotel where the boys were staying, the MIRAMAR.
The line was crazy. There were people who had camped there for days with the curtains. Namie had the Super VIP, so it was quiet, but I was in the pit. There were other Pentalfa who were standing in line, but I could not find them. So I joined to a group of Spanish fans, who welcomed me kindly, and I also made friends with one of them. About 15 minutes after our arrival, they opened the doors and being to let us in, about 60 people at a time. I showed the bracelet and I started running like a crazy! Girls… someone up there loves me… I managed to finish in the second row!! *_* However, In front of me there was a fiber girl, so it was like being in the first row. And next to me was a Korean that had brought the camera with the cable. She filmed the whole concert from A to Z. If she put the video on the internet I would not mind XD

I was at stage left, where was Junsu, but I was pretty close to Jaejoong. We had to wait an hour before it started (because they made us get to 20:30 and the concert started at 21:30). My feet were suffering so much. I put the shoes slightly raised, to be sure, but they were uncomfortable. I said to myself: “I bear for you, just for you”. And so it was, because when they took the stage I have not heard anything. Pain, fatigue, elbows… all gone. They are like a dream. I could not believe they were there, about 7 feet away me, it was as if I saw them through a screen. They are so damn perfect!
Junsu was right in front of me, and looked at me several times. Even Jaejoong looked at me a couple of times, and while singing in Heaven and I was recovering Junsu, turning to JJ I realized he looked at me, but when I turned around he moved his eyes elsewhere çOOOç
Junsu was cute. He was always smiling, especially when someone shouted his name in the silence XD Jaejoong is like a DIVA. He loves being the center of attention, and loves to create attention. Yoochun was the most anxious, I think. When he took the stage he made a deep sigh.
There was the Spanish translators, so I understand a little. I don’t remember everything they said, but they were anxious to have failed, and were delighted to see that so many people had gathered. Since Yoochun expressed concerns, we began to shout in chorus: “ANDUE, ANDUE!”, gesturing “no” with our finger. At first they did not understand. Yoochun turned to Jaejoong and asking him what we were saying, then he turned to me and I moved my lips as precisely as possible to make him understand. He opened his mounth and laughed, saying to Jaejoong: “Andue”.
Jaejoong said instead: “The most beautiful attraction in Spain is here, in front of us” T_T How beautiful he was. Still thin, but nice. The pants looks good on him.
At one point, I focused the camera on JJ. He turned around and saw me. He smiled and started posing, smiling at me, but my camera did not work T_T He has been standing for about 5 seconds to give me time to shoot. So cuuute T_T
Jaejoong said: “Te quiero” and we have repeated in chorus, until Yoochun, facing Jaejoong, says, in Spanish: “Kiss me much”. Jaejoong, who threw himself on the side of Junsu, took a running start, following Yoochun behind the scenes, while we laughed and screamed.
Yoochun asked the foreign fans to raise their hands. The boys were very surprised and Chun, with his face like an idiot, he raised his hand and saying: “Me too” in english, making us laugh. I and the other Italian girls started to shout: “ITALIA, ITALIA, ITALIA!!!”, like crazy. Junsu looked at us, trying to understand, then, when he understood, he laughed and nodded *__*
While singing the OST of PTB, Jaejoong was moved. His eyes were red and shiny.
They talked about the drama, and said that next year will do another concert in Europe!! YEEEEEEEE!!! *dancing the mambo* So, who was not able to come this year, began to prepare for the next! *_*
I liked all the songs, but I loved the performance of MISSION.
Before they start to sing In Heaven they said: “This is the last song” and we “TT-TT”. Instead, after being withdrawn in the wings for a few minutes, returned to sing Get Out and another song that I don’t remember (somebody help me XD).
It had to be 3 hours of the concert, which decreased to 2 hours. A real shame.
When they left, we started to clap. The Italian and Spanish wanted to break the record, clapping the hands for 26 minutes. But no one took the time, and few have participated. So, after 15 minutes, I left, because there was Namie waiting for me outside. The boys have gone in front of the Poble with limousine and greeted us TT_TT
More photos of the concert Here
This was certainly the most beautiful experience of my entire life.
Credit: Kichan
Shared by: JYJ3